Hands up if you’re ready to get festive a little early this year *hand shoots to the ceiling*- I know, I know it’s only mid-November, but there’s zero harm in throwing some decorations up, or eating your first mince pie a tad earlier than usual, hey? I, for one, am fully ready to throw myself into the Christmas spirit and, with all that’s going on right now, feel like there’s no better time for feeling and spreading the love in every single way possible… starting with the new Waitrose and John Lewis #Givealittlelove campaign!
It’s all about smalls acts of kindness, whether it’s a baking doorstep drop off, sending a card to a loved one, arranging a zoom night in or simply cooking a special dinner for your household… Small acts of love like these are more important than ever and I know they can make all the difference to someone’s day!

I know food is the way to most of our friends and family’s hearts and alike so many other households this year we’ve massively gotten into baking, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to “get my bake on” whilst sharing all the love. We decided on a recipe which I’m SO glad we went for because it was fabuloussss! If you’re not already Waitrose recipe obsessed like I am, then you will be after this… These are their “Double Chocolate Chip Cookies” and were absolutely delish. If you love a gooey cookie with a soft centre but that keeps its crunch, then you will adore them!

Recipe chosen (& tried and tested, obviously!) we then put together these super cute bags, including the recipe and all the ingredients to leave on friends and families doorsteps so they could get baking some loveliness too! We added our own Christmas touch in the form of Waitrose edible glitter stars to give the cookies a festive feel and packaged everything up in tote bags so they can be used time and time again!

It’s safe to say they went down an absolute treat and I’m now planning my next doorstep drop off’s. Obviously cookies are great for the taste buds, but I also know how important it’s been to feel like we’ve had creative, calming things to do over the past few months, and knowing how such a small gesture can oh someone’s day is just SO lovely.
AND, amazingly, Waitrose and John Lewis have partnered with FareShare and HomeStart for the #GiveALittleLove campaign which is soso wonderful and I’ll be donating a percentage of my fee for this partnership to the two charities¸ You can find out more about the incredible charities that are supported and #GiveALittleLove here I’d love to know how you’re planning to spread some kindness this Christmas!