Gahhhh I love these photos so much. They’re from a lil weekend away with the family to celebrate my mums 60th birthday and they literally make me burst with all the loveeeee. It really was the dreamiest of weekends and I’m so happy with how every single image turned out!
We spent a gorgeous three days staying at the very lovely Wilderness Reserve. Their cottages, houses & barns are some of the most beautiful staycations I’ve seen, and it was so lovely to step away for a bit and enjoy the countryside.

They not only a beaut selection of accommodation but also amazing activities too. One’s which we kept as a surprise for my mum so each day she had something fun to look forward to!
We started things off with a seriously special Friday evening in the form of a v dreamy bonfire night. Full of marshmallows on sticks, fizz and the most amazing sunset it was such a lovely start to the trip.

Saturday was spent mostly doing a whole load of nothing-ness, lazing in the green, playing tones of games and giving the rowboat a go! We were then lucky enough to experience one of Widlerneess’s dine-in dinners. A BBQ feast, which really was one of the loveliest meals I’ve had. I mean, come on, just looook at that food! Absolute heaven!
And then, after a beautiful meal, we had an evening of wine tasting. I loved how they included mostly independent wine brands, and also a selection of non-alcoholic wines too. Super interesting and obviously v tasty too!

On Sunday we adventured to the main country house which was about ten minutes away and had a lil go in the boats on the lake. I definitely discovered that rowing is most definitely not my ~thing~ but we still had a gorgeous afternoon before heading back for Axe throwing! Something which I again was awful at (slight understatement) but was v fun to do!
We then spent the Monday having a big ol’ brekkie before heading home. Okay! I think that’s my big ol’ run down over. Writing this has made me all nostalgic and wanting to book another weekend away! It really was the bestttt & the biggest thank you to Wilderness for having us, what a dream ✨