It’s usually at the start of a new season that I get a big ol’ urge to mix up our home a lil… Add a couple of new trinkets here and there, maybe a cushion or two – Ya know, get things feeling fresh, Autumny and cosy af. So, a couple of weeks back, I did a good ol’ H&M order and thought it’d be nice to share what I picked up!
For me, H&M home is the best spot to pick up smaller pieces that make all the difference. It’s super inexpensive, has such a beaut selection of homeware, and their website is great for all the interior inspo in too…
So, here’s what I picked up! Lmk if you’ve been swooning over their Autumn/Winter pieces too….

The Kitchen Area.
Gahhh I love these pieces so much! Starting off with the new table cloth – we have quiteee the collection now, and I just couldn’t say no to this one… Super simple, yet adds a lil something-something to the room! We also picked up this pretty elaborate bowl, which I wasn’t sure what to do with ~but~ turns out it’s perfect as a snazzy looking fruit bowl…love it! We’ve been on the cushion hunt for the back kitchen area and found these lovely green velvet ones that work perfectly! We also needed some new salad servers so chucked them in the basket too and then this super cute lil glass too, which I’ve been using as mini vase for now!

The Lounge.
Our lounge has three lovely chunky shelves above our TV cabinet, and although I absolutely love them, I have nothing to fill them with! Firstly, we went for this Tiger, which I ADORE. This amazing gold mirror that sits just how I imaged it to and these super cute mini vases. We’ve still got a way to go, but it’s definitely feeling homier already!
I think that’s everything! Hope you enjoyed the lil homey haul ✨